Sila odozgor (snovi, vizije i proroštva)

Sila odozgor (snovi, vizije i proroštva)

Josip Lončar

This is a book about dreams, visions, prophecies and gifts that the Holy Spirit gives us in order to change our hearts, and with us the world around us.

The force from above (the force of the Holy Spirit) which we receive through the sacrament of Holy Confirmation and which is so powerful that it can change human hearts works quite unexpectedly: through dreams, visions and prophecies. There is hardly a man who does not dream; many people have visions, and we also often have the impression that God speaks to us through other people. The Bible is full of dreams, visions and prophecies...

Josip Lončar
Graphics design
Elvis Duspara
20 x 13.5 cm
Figulus, Koprivnica, 2010.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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