Svijet na Kajžarima

Svijet na Kajžarima

Ivan Potrč

Due to its artistic qualities, this novel tempted filmmakers to make a film based on it.

The events in the novella are set in the peasant world of the eastern parts of Slovenske Gorica, where new forms of life are being paved that were necessary for post-war socialist development: on the one hand, there are winemakers and coachmen, who begin to shape their own lives in accordance with their own advantages and needs, and with on the other hand, there is an official political ideology that collectivizes everything.

Original title
Svet na Kajžarju
Hijacint Petris
Ivan Krolo
20 x 13.5 cm
Novo pokoljenje, Zagreb, 1950.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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