Pustolovine Huckleberryja Finna (druga Toma Sawyera)
The action of this adventure novel takes place on the American Mississippi River and its banks at a time when steamboats were sailing on that vast river course, during the childhood of the author himself.
The main characters are the boy Huck Finn and the runaway slave, the black Jim, who are sailing down the river on a raft. Their adventures are narrated by Huck himself, very vividly, in simple, colloquial language that has been masterfully translated into Croatian.
Mark Twain is one of the biggest names in children's and world literature in general. He was born in 1835 in Florida, in the American state of Missouri. He steered ships on the Mississippi, was engaged in printing, journalism, but the most important is his literary work. He has published a number of excellent works that are read on all continents and in all languages. These are: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The King and the Beggar, The Yankee in King Arthur's Court...
Two copies are available