Za hrvatske vrednote

Za hrvatske vrednote

Josip Pečarić

A book dedicated to General Branimir Glavaš

A new book by Josip Pečarić, a regular member of HAZU from the Department of Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Sciences, which deals with the defense of Croatia and the Homeland War, the values ​​of which, in Pečarić's opinion, are called into question by the current president of the state, Stjepan Mesić, as well as by the changing politicians in power since 2000. In his book, Academician Pečarić also deals with the divisions in HAZ, which is under attack from the same people who sell and disparage Croatian values, and according to him, this is only part of a wider plan to suppress Croatian values ​​and national feelings.

Graphics design
Edo Kadić
21 x 14 cm
Vlastita naklada, Zagreb, 2007.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition
Specificity of this instance:
Author signature

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