Sentimentalni odgoj (povijest mladog čovjeka)
Sentimental Education is a novel by Gustave Flaubert about the corrosive effect of time on youthful illusions.
Time passes, and situations remain almost the same. "This novel of travel, walking and movement leaves the impression of standing still." The labyrinth of the city always takes Frederic to the same places, and the journeys are always returns and do not solve anything, they only delay.
Reality is presented from Frederic's point of view, and all other characters are seen through him, as well as the landscapes and decors, which become independent in a strange way, becoming a face in the novel and one of its leitmotifs. Landscapes change while driving or walking, decors merge into each other during Frederic's endless wanderings, the world travels around him, while he is the stationary center of distant vistas and people circling his horizon. In its phenomenological reflection of reality, it is "the first great novel of wandering", a novel of Antonioni's view of consciousness on the procession of apparitions in mirages of reality.
One copy is available
- Traces of patina