Logika: Teorija istraživanja
This antiquarian volume contains a detailed treatise on logic and the theory of 'Inquiry', as a development of ideas regarding the nature of logical theory that were first presented in Studies in Logical Theory.
The present work is marked in particular by application of the earlier ideas to interpretation of the forms and formal relations that constitute the standard material of the logical tradition.
Inquiry is one of the most essential skills in the world of business and management; as well as being of great utility to the student of philosophy, this book can help clarify the process of inquiry and develop skills for inquiry in the context of decision making, and may therefore be of considerable service to a range of different readers.
The chapters of this volume include:
- The Matrix of Inquiry
- The Problem of Logical Subject-Matter
- Common Sense and Scientific Inquiry
- The Needed Reform of Logic
- Immediate Knowledge: Understanding and Inference
Heralded as the “crowning work of a great career,” Logic: The Theory of Inquiry was widely reviewed. To Evander Bradley McGilvary, the work "assured Dewey a place among the world’s great logicians.”
William Gruen thought “No treatise on logic ever written has had as direct and vital an impact on social life as Dewey’s will have.”
Paul Weiss called it the “source and inspiration of a new and powerful movement.”
Irwin Edman said of it, “Most philosophers write postscripts; Dewey has made a program. His Logic is a new charter for liberal intelligence.”
Ernest Nagel called the Logic an impressive work. “Its unique virtue is to bring fresh illumination to its subject by stressing the roles logical principles and concepts have in achieving the objectives of scientific inquiry.”
One copy is available