Kerigma - U barakama sa siromasima
In addition to a personal life confession, the book also contains a kerygma, Kiko's proclamation of faith, entitled "Three Angels", which, as Cardinal Schönborn points out in the commentary, is "a strong call to personal conversion".
"Kerygma. In barracks with the poor" brings the poignant life testimony of the founder of the Neocatechumen way, the painter Kiko Argüell, and the foreword for the book was written by Cardinal Antonio Cañizares, and the commentary along with the catechism was written by Cardinal Christoph Schönborn. In his youth, already as an established painter, despite the success of his works, Kiko Argüello finds no reason to live and thinks about suicide. During that existential crisis, at the age of 25, he left everything and went to live among the poorest, in the slums of Palomeras Altas in the suburbs of Madrid, among gypsies, homeless people and prostitutes, convinced that Christ is present in the suffering of the defenseless. With a Bible and a guitar, together with the missionary Carmen Hernández, he begins to speak about God and Jesus Christ to these people. In this way, the first communities of the Neocatechumen way were born among the poor, which, thanks to the then archbishop of Madrid, became the "seed" planted for the first time in Madrid, from where it spread throughout the world, and today it is present in 101 countries of the world.
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