

Michael Prawdin

Genghis Khan is a unique phenomenon in world history because the breaking of his Golden Horde through the Dzungarian Gate and its sudden expansion to the west, to the very heart of Europe, meant the real "Blitzkrieg" of that time.

Never since, from the Pacific Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea, from the Siberian taigas to the Himalayas, has a single law reigned, as was Genghis Khan's collection of draconian codes, Jas. Although I am illiterate, he left his people a letter, a collection of laws, solid legal foundations and a state order. Surely this book about a time and a conqueror will arouse the interest of readers.

From the content: "He united the Mongolian tribes in the heart of Asia and set out to conquer the world. "The greatest happiness in life is to defeat the enemy and chase him before you. To ride his horses and rob him of everything he has. To see those who are dear to him crying," he said. This is a book about a time and a conqueror for whom "peace was only a period of preparation for war". Terrible horsemen sowed fear and trembling in overrun kingdoms. Panic reigned in Europe. Seven and a half centuries ago."

Original title
Tschingis-Chan - der Sturm aus Asien
Dragutin Bišćan
20 x 14 cm
Nakladni zavod Ante Velzek, Zagreb, 1942.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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