Šaka Božja
„The Fist of God“ von Frederick Forsyth, dem Autor von „Der Tag des Schakals“, „Der Fall Odessa“ und vielen anderen Romanen, ist ein spannender Spionageroman, in dem Mike Martin nach einer irakischen Geheimwaffe sucht, mit der Saddam Hussein es vorhat um
The Fist of God is a thriller from 1994, with a fictional retelling of the Iraqi Project Babylon. With a story set during the Persian Gulf War, the novel describes Allied efforts to find Iraq's alleged nuclear weapons.
Mike Martin is on the most dangerous pawn mission of his life: to find and destroy Qubth-ut-Allah - the Fist of God, Saddam Hussein's secret weapon...
Only when you read The Fist of God will you understand why Iraq thought it would stay in the world's richest oil fields. And again, as in Day of the Jackal and his other novels, the master of his craft has done a great job.
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