The first crime novel by the experienced film director and screenwriter Davor Žmegač Crvotočina shows the complexity of the world, its appearances that can be compared to those of the movies, and opens up a series of moral questions...
The corpse of the presidential candidate Viktor Radan, beaten with a blunt object and with a picture of Ante Pavelić attached to his shirt with a pin, was found in the Tuškanac Summer Cinema, which necessarily alarmed both the public and the police, and on the private order of Radan's widow and a former policeman, now a private detective with a dubious reputation, Tibor Dombaj.
Tibor's group of agents will be joined by a street-art artist, his bipolar daughter Kaja, who would like to be Lisbeth Salander and who will achieve an unexpected female friendship during her unorthodox investigation. When another corpse marked with the chief's likeness appears, the broad investigation begins to narrow and all roads lead to a wormhole that connects times and people, suspects and victims, fragments of local film history and editors of life.
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