Englesko-hrvatski ekonomski rječnik / Hrvatsko-engleski ekonomski rječnik
The new, revised and updated edition of the English-Croatian and Croatian-English business dictionary in two volumes is valuable to business people, at a time of almost daily new economic terms that accompany numerous changes in business theory and practi
The dictionary contains more than 10,000 easy-to-understand terms and expressions from all areas of business life. The dictionary turned more to finance and business as the areas where the growth of economic activity and the rise of occupations in the past years have been the most observed. It is important to note that in the Croatian translation, the first term always refers to the most desirable translation (from an economic point of view), and the others listed (where there are any) represent the versions that are used.
The dictionary is intended for all economists and business people, students and professors at economic faculties and schools throughout Croatia and other professional economic public who are in daily contact with business and economic concepts.
The book consists of two volumes.
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