Little Red Riding Hood is a classic fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm that brings an instructive story about caution and the importance of listening to advice.
Little Red Riding Hood is a little girl who wears a red cap, after which she got her name. One day, her mother sends her to take food to a sick grandmother who lives in the forest, warning her not to stray from the path and to be careful.
While walking through the forest, Little Red Riding Hood meets a wolf. Not knowing that he is dangerous, she reveals to him where he is going. The wolf decides to trick the little girl and runs to her grandmother's house, where he swallows her and disguises himself as her. When Little Red Riding Hood arrives, she notices that her "grandmother" looks strange. To her questions ("Why do you have such big ears, eyes, teeth?"), the wolf answers that he would hear her better, see her and – in the end – eat her.
Fortunately, a passing hunter hears the shout and comes to save Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma. The wolf is killed, and Little Red Riding Hood learns an important lesson about caution and listening to advice.
The lesson of the story: Children should be careful and not talk to strangers, and listen to the advice of adults.
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