Auvergnanski senatori
"Auvergne Senators" by Vilim Korajec is a short humorous booklet that satirically portrays the social and political conditions of its time.
The plot is set in a fictitious community where the characters, called "senators", symbolize certain human weaknesses and flaws such as greed, vanity, hypocrisy and stupidity. Korajac uses sharp irony to criticize social injustice, bureaucracy and moral decadence.
Through a simple but witty style, the author brings to life a series of characteristic characters and their mutual relationships, creating a work that simultaneously entertains readers and encourages them to think about human nature and social structures. "Senators of Auvergne" remain relevant because of the universality of the topics they cover, and are especially interesting as a mirror of the mentality and social conditions of the 19th century.
One copy is available