Detoksikacija organizma
It is the age in which we realized the direct connection between the general pollution of the environment in which we live and the internal poisoning of our body.
Poisons from air, water and food inevitably find their way into the human body, but until we devise drastic measures to finally purify our planet, we must know how to clean the human body from the inside. By combining the best ancient and the most modern methods, the manual Detoxification of the organism offers you a solution to recover and protect your good health through body cleansing. If you want to resist chronic diseases, live longer, lose weight, or simply use the benefits of good health to achieve shiny skin and abundant energy reserves, be prudent and science-based advice Daniela Reida will tell you how to achieve it. The highly practical Detoxification of the Organism shows you ways to instantly achieve general well-being and guarantees you a longer, healthier life - without having to give up the usual pleasures of life.
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