Roman iz serije Znak ljubavi. Tenleigh Falin se svakodnevno bori da preživi u siromašnom rudarskom gradu u kojem živi sa svojom sestrom i mentalno bolesnom majkom.
The dream of getting a college scholarship, awarded by the local mining company, and thus escaping the harshness of life, gives her the strength to go on. Kyland Barrett also lives in the hills, on the verge of starvation and extremely lonely. Against all odds, he works to get a scholarship from the Tyton Coal mining company and leave a city full of pain. Both are determined not to tie the knot, but one moment changes everything. What happens when only one person receives a scholarship? When only one person leaves? And what happens to the one left behind? Kyland is a story about hope and despair, love and sacrifice, pain and forgiveness, but above all it is a story about deep and endless love.
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