Svetac, surfer i direktorica: Zadivljujuća priča o ostvarenju životnih želja
One of the world's most famous thinkers on the issue of life management, discovers how to get rid of your own fears, achieve personal freedom, renew your relationships, invigorate your own being and love life.
Author of the bestseller "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari", in this book he offers his readers a journey of "transformation", answers to three fundamental questions that form the core of true living for every human being. Namely, he believes that most people are not afraid of death deep in their soul, but are afraid of missing out on true living, so in his book he teaches exactly that, shows what is the basis of true living and how to achieve progress in oneself towards a better, more fulfilled and truer life.
There are three questions that appear in a person's mind in the last moments of life: "Did I live wisely?", "Did I love sincerely?" and "Did I serve nobly?" The path to a truer life starts precisely from these concluding questions, precisely at the moment when each of us asks them to ourselves. And to clarify what each individual question actually means, Robin Sharma will create a simple story and the main character - Jack Valentine, who will meet three teachers on his journey of self-discovery: a teacher of wisdom, a teacher of the question of the heart and a teacher who will teach him what it means to serve nobly.
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