Korisne samonikle biljke: Opis i upotreba
The world of wild edible plants is really big, there are certainly thousands of species from small plants, shrubs to trees. In this book, we provide an overview of the most useful and common species, as well as those that we can easily recognize in nature
From a large number of useful wild plants, the author singled out and described only the most useful and common species. Collecting, preparing and keeping wild plants is shown in the introductory part, followed by a description of each plant with a photo, usefulness and use. The habitat, harvesting time and differentiation from similar species are also indicated.
"Wild plants grow mostly in places where humans have not disturbed the natural balance - where it really suits them, which means that they receive enough nutrients, which is why they are generally healthy and resistant to diseases and pests. Of course, such plants are also nutritionally valuable and rich in composition, which has a beneficial effect on our health. We hope that this book will be of help to you in discovering another part of the natural world to which we ourselves belong, and which is right there, next to us."
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