Halo, Beograd I-II
Hello, Belgrade is the final part of a trilogy of records about Belgraders, their city and life in it, which includes the previously published books 011 and East-West.
The texts were published in the popular weekly column "011", which was run by the Belgrade writer and painter Momo Kapor for years in the newspaper Politika. The author illustrated his work with many black and white drawings. This book helps Belgraders abroad not to forget their city. It is also a reminder of a Belgrade that no longer exists. A literary phone book made up of disappeared faces, personalities, melodies, places and events - everything we grew up with... Belgrade is not all in Belgrade! A much larger part of Belgrade is longing for Belgrade, which makes it bigger and more beautiful than it actually is. Belgrade is not in Belgrade because Belgrade is not just a city - it is a metaphor, a special way of life, a way of looking at things. Belgrade is in an idea that impregnates the world wherever its spirit is transmitted. He is in some joke, in a random gesture, in the innate casualness with which victories and defeats are received, where the unit for measuring style is charm!
"Belgrade is scattered on all four sides of the world." I long for one day all these Belgraders to be together..." Maybe the book Halo, Belgrade is an attempt to make that happen?
The book consists of two volumes.
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