Kralj Betajnove
The King of Betajnove is a play by Slovenian writer Ivan Cankar, first performed in 1902. The plot depicts moral and social decadence through the character of Matije Bertoncelj, a wealthy industrialist and the main villain, known as the "King of Betajnove
Bertoncelj is an unscrupulous capitalist who has become rich by exploiting poor peasants and workers, and in order to maintain his power, he does not hesitate to commit murder.
The drama centers on a court trial in which his responsibility for a series of crimes, including the murders of political opponents, is revealed. Although there is evidence against him, Bertoncelj, thanks to his wealth and connections, manages to avoid punishment, symbolizing injustice in society.
Through this drama, Cankar criticizes the dishonesty, corruption, and callousness of the capitalist society of the time. His harsh social criticism and pessimistic picture of society reflect the inequality and helplessness of ordinary people in the face of the powerful. The King of Betajnova remains one of his most important works, which still has a strong message today.
Two copies are available