Klasna borba. Marksistički časopis 1926-1937 I-II
Reprint of the entire edition of the pre-war communist newsletter "Class Struggle".
Set content
1. Klasna borba. Marksistički časopis 1926 - 1929., knjiga 1.
Pages: 790
Condition:Used, good condition (visible signs of use)
Damages or inconvenience notice:
- Slight damage to the cover
- Damaged back
2. Klasna borba. Marksistički časopis 1930 - 1934, 1937., knjiga 2.
Pages: 1578
Condition:Used, condition good enough
Damages or inconvenience notice:
- Slight damage to the pages
- Staines on the pages
- A message of a personal nature
- Library stamp
One set is available
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