Maksim Gorki: Odabrana djela
Selected works of Maksim Gorky in excellent translations into Croatian, published by Prosvjeta.
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1. Mati
Maxim Gorky's novel "Mother" was published in 1906 and is one of the key works of Russian social realism. The work depicts the awakening of the working class in Russia through characters and events that emphasize social injustices and the need for revolut
2. Artamonovi / Gradić Okurov
The novel "Artamonovi" is one of the most significant works of Maxim Gorky, published in 1925. The story "Gradić Okurov" is a short novel or novella written by Gorky in 1909.
3. Djetinjstvo / Među ljudima
"Childhood" is an autobiographical novel by Maksim Gorky, the first part of his autobiographical trilogy, which also includes the works "Among People" and "My Universities". "Among People", the second part of the autobiographical trilogy, continues the st
4. Moji univerziteti / Sjećanja (V. I. Lenjin, Lav Tolstoj, A. P. Čehov)
"My Universities", the third part of Maxim Gorky's autobiographical trilogy, completes the story of his maturation and intellectual development. "Memories" bring autobiographical records of meetings with V. I. Lenin, Leo Tolstoy and A. P. Chekhov.
5. Pripovijetke / Na dnu
Maxim Gorky wrote many short stories that explore the themes of poverty, social injustice, human suffering and willpower. "At the Bottom", a play by Maxim Gorky, is one of the most famous works of Russian realism.
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