Nikada više Jugoslavija - Intelektualci i hrvatsko nacionalno pitanje (1929. - 1945.)
This book was created on the basis of a doctoral dissertation entitled "Intellectuals and Croatian Nationalism (1929 - 1945)."
Nikola Tesla - Heroj tehnike
Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest innovators in history, was truly a technical hero. His contributions to electrical engineering, wireless communication and the development of alternating current left an indelible mark. His vision and genius still inspire
Njegova pripovijest Ili što je Sai Baba ispričao o svom dječaštvu
Njemački putopisi po Dalmaciji
"German travelogues around Dalmatia", edited by Ivan Pederin, is a collection of travelogues by German authors who traveled through Dalmatia during different historical periods and recorded their observations about this area.
Noćni portir
Drago Glamuzina wrote this diary during the winter and spring of 2022. The days were filled with events that he then described at night, before going to sleep.
The first football textbook in Croatia, from the pen of football expert Bruno Knežević, a famous football player of HAŠK and Dinamo, and later coach of Dinamo and Zagreb. With 93 drawings and football rules.
Nordseekuste und Wattenmeer - Naturparadiese Europas 2.
North-South: A Program for Survival
North-South describes the current world unused factories and mass unemployment in rich countries, and desperate, unmet needs in the poorer countries.
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