Autobiographies and Memoirs
Kominterna i taktika borbe "klase protiv klase" : 1927-1934.
Kronika kulta ličnosti
The famous scientist and university professor was arrested in Stalin's great purge in 1937. She spent 17 years in prisons and Siberian camps. Memories have written this extremely interesting book. The theme of evil is perpetuated by a woman's handwriting.
Kroz oluju vremena
Ljudi u ratu : najvažniji faktor opštenarodne odbrane
Marked for Death: Islam's War against the West and Me
Memoari: 7 kontinenata i 40 godina
Cyrus Leo Sulzberger II was an American journalist, columnist and publicist. He was a member of the family that owned The New York Times and was the newspaper's chief foreign correspondent during the 1940s and 1950s. This is a selection from his diary ent
Mir i kazna: tajni ratovi međunarodne politike i pravosuđa
Florence Hartmann, Carla del Ponte's spokesperson from 2000 to 2006, was the first to open the forbidden doors of the International Criminal Court in The Hague and Western ministries and plunge into the dark and behind-the-scenes games of high internation
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