Children's books
Priča o tri graha / Mali pastir: Slovenske narodne pripovijetke
The story of the three beans was written by Eva Zokševa in the collection "Narodne praljivca iz Prekomurje", while the Istrian story Little Shepherd was written by J. Benigar, and was published in "Slovenski glasnik" in 1866.
Priča o vezirovom slonu i druge priče
Priča o Vilmi Špigl
The story of Vilma Špigl was told by Melita Rundek, painted by Dražen Jerabek. It is one of those beautiful artistic illustrated stories that children should read to grow up, but adults should also return to them so that they don't stop growing up.
Priče iz Alhambre: Princ hodočasnik ljubavi / Zidareva pustolovina / Bjegunac
To the traveler filled with a sense of history and poetry, so intertwined in the annals of Romanesque Spain, the Alhambra is as much an object of veneration as the Kaaba or Qaba is to all true Muslims...
Priče iz davnine
First, she conquered her homeland with Šegrta Hlapić, and then the world with Tales from the Past. Painters also helped her in this, because it was extremely important to Ivana that her characters get a recognizable look.
Priče iz davnine
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