
Kosovsko pitanje

Kosovsko pitanje

Branko Horvat
Globus, 1988.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Košulja sretnog čovjeka: Filozofske i srodne priče

Košulja sretnog čovjeka: Filozofske i srodne priče

Vesna Krmpotić

The book represents a kind of anthology of poetic reflections on the beauty and meaning of our life. It is complex and harmoniously consistent with its presentation, polished like crystal.

V.B.Z, 2003.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Kraj čarolije: religija kao prirodna pojava

Kraj čarolije: religija kao prirodna pojava

Daniel C. Dennett

The author tries to consider religion as a phenomenon that separates human beings from the rest of the animal world by creating certain beliefs. With their help, man overcomes his genetic imperatives.

Jesenski i Turk, 2009.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Kratka povijest ideja: prekretnice u povijesti ljudske misli

Kratka povijest ideja: prekretnice u povijesti ljudske misli

William Raeper, Linda Smith

In a simple and clear way, the authors brought the development of ideas of philosophy and religion in the past and today to the widest audience, presenting most of the great philosophers.

Mozaik knjiga, 2002.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Kritika kolektivizma: Liberalna misao o socijalizmu

Kritika kolektivizma: Liberalna misao o socijalizmu

John Stuart Mill, Max Weber, Friedrich A. Hayek, Karl R. Popper, Michael Polanyi

The book Critique of Collectivism: Liberal Thought on Socialism is a collection of texts that critically examine the ideas of collectivism and socialism from the perspective of classical liberal thought.

Filip Višnjić, 1988.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
12.32 - 12.34
Kritika rasudne snage

Kritika rasudne snage

Immanuel Kant

Along with the Critique of the Pure Mind and the Critique of the Practical Mind, this third major work of Kant's is one of the cornerstones of his philosophical building, but it also rounds off his entire view of the world.

Kultura, 1957.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Kritika saodlučivanja partnerstvo ili klasna borba?

Kritika saodlučivanja partnerstvo ili klasna borba?

Prosveta, 1974.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Paperback with dust jacket.
6.98 - 6.99
Kultura i demokratija

Kultura i demokratija

Stevan Majstorović
Prosveta, 1978.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Kultura i eksplozija

Kultura i eksplozija

Jurij Mihajlovič Lotman
Alfa, 1998.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language and Liberty

Language and Liberty

Mária Schmidt
Public Endowment for Research on Central and Eastern European History and Society, 2018.
English. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.