Radikalno žrtvovanje
Cultural theorist Terry Eagleton's book Radical Sacrifice is a powerful and insightful cultural analysis of sacrifice - which deals with theology, literature, politics and philosophy - as the foundation of modern, as well as ancient, social order.
Rad panike
The work of panic by Goran Ferčec and Siniša Ilić is the first volume of the third round of the Friends library, a joint edition of MaMe and Books. Goran's text and Siniša's drawings were created as part of the production of the same name by the BADco gro
Rasprava o porijeklu i osnovama nejednakosti među ljudima / Društveni ugovor
Rousseau in the work "Discourse on the origin and foundations of inequality among people" analyzes the origin of social differences and their impact on human nature. In "The Social Contract" he considers how individuals can preserve their freedom within a
Rasprava o slobodi savjesti
The book "Debate on Freedom of Conscience" by Vladimir Šeks from 1986 deals with the topic of freedom of conscience and expression in the context of the legal and political challenges of that time.
Razmeđa azijskih filozofija 1-2
The two great Asian cultures, Indian and Chinese, reach the peak of their development in the middle of the last millennium of the old era, in a period that is called axial in the history of culture.
Religija unutar granica čistog uma
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