Trieste: historical and artistic guide
"Trieste: historical and artistic guide" by Marzia Vidulli Torlo explores in detail the rich history and artistic heritage of Trieste.
Tri starofrancuske hronike o Zadru u godini 1202.
Trogirski spomenici: zapisci kurije grada Trogira od 1310. do 1331.
Tuđman i budućnost Hrvatske
The book by a former American diplomat is a documentary and memoir about Franja Tuđman. The author investigates the Croatian country and people, and the role of Tuđman as a dominant personality in the birth of a new state.
Tumač obćemu austrijskomu gradjanskomu zakoniku I - II
The General Austrian Civil Code, published in 1811, represents the second significant codification of civil law in Europe after the famous French Code Civil from 1804. OGZ in Croatia and Slavonia was introduced in 1852, when imperial patent no. 246.
Turska noć
The crime against the Armenians is only coming to light today. After almost a century, the tragedy of a nation, the indifference of the Constantinople authorities, the media cover-up and the turning of the international community's head are unfolding befo
Tvornica olovaka u Zagrebu : 40 godina rada i razvoja 1937 - 1977
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