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Suvremeni bonton
Everything about good behavior at home, in society and outside the home. How to be pleasant in various situations: for your own benefit and pride - for the pleasure of others. For a more harmonious family life, respect in society and success in life.
Englesko-hrvatski ekonomski rječnik / Hrvatsko-engleski ekonomski rječnik
The new, revised and updated edition of the English-Croatian and Croatian-English business dictionary in two volumes is valuable to business people, at a time of almost daily new economic terms that accompany numerous changes in business theory and practi
Knjiga životnih zakona: 200 vječnih duhovnih načela
The book of life laws is full of wisdom that the author draws from the sacred writings of the most important world religions and various schools of philosophical thought, as well as from scientists, artists, historians...
Knjiga životnih zakona: 200 vječnih duhovnih načela
The book of life laws is full of wisdom that the author draws from the sacred writings of the most important world religions and various schools of philosophical thought, as well as from scientists, artists, historians...
Hipnoza i parapsihološki fenomeni
The book "Hypnosis and Parapsychological Phenomena" by Juraj Čačić is a synthesis of his earlier works: "Introduction to Alternative Medicine", "Hypnosis, Medicine and Healers" and "Parapsychological Phenomena".
Tajne uspješnog učenja: Praktičan vodič za pomoć učeniku
A practical manual intended for parents who want to help their children learn school material as easily and successfully as possible and master the techniques of successful learning.
Spavati bez hrkanja: oslobodite se neugodne smetnje i živite zdravije!
The book talks about sleeping and sleep, about snoring and snoring disease.
Moć ‘negativnog’ razmišljanja
In a clear and simple style, Tony Humphreys breaks new ground, successfully challenging many contemporary psychological theories.
Brain Gym i ja: Povratak užitku učenja
Brain gymnastics is a series of simple movements and exercises used in working with students to encourage a whole-brain learning experience. With an editorial by Carla Hannaford.
Rak je moguće spriječiti i izliječiti
In this book, there are recommendations that can be helpful in preventing and treating cancer, except for preventive measures, which are included in the conventional approach.
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