Alica u zemlji čudesa i iza zrcala
Lewis Carroll's two novels, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and What Alice Discovered Behind the Looking Glass, united in this edition, belong to those few, truly exceptional works of world literature.
In this book, nothing is as usual: there the rabbit looks at the clock, the child turns into a pig and the pebbles into cookies, the flowers talk, the chess pieces are alive, and time can stop at five in the afternoon. Alice saw and experienced all this with her own eyes, and you will experience it too when you travel with her to Wonderland and the twisted kingdom Behind the Mirror. Both books were written by Charles Dodgson, better known as Lewis Carroll, who came up with the story of Alice in Wonderland for the amusement of little Alice Lidell, the daughter of his friend from Oxford. He published the book in 1865, and six years later he took Alice from the other side of the looking glass to new adventures. The unsurpassed illustrations are the work of John Tenniel, and the Croatian translation by Antun Šoljan has itself acquired the status of a classic.
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