Žitja Konstantina Ćirila i Metodija i druga vrela
The basic texts for studying the life and works of Constantine Cyril and Methodius are their biographies, or, as we traditionally call them: life. The Life of Constantine Cyril and the Life of Methodius are texts of exceptional historical and literary val
The holy brothers Constantine Cyril and Methodius were born in Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki): Methodius around 815, and Constantine, nicknamed Cyril (Cyril) in monasticism, in 826 or 827, in the family of a high-ranking military official, close to Emperor Leo. Thessaloniki was an important and large city in their time: it is the second largest in the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium) because it has a prominent place in its defense since it was threatened by frequent barbarian migrations and invasions. Slavs settled along the walls of Thessaloniki, who already came to the city in the 9th century and became its citizens.
From the index:
Foreword The life of Konstantin Cyril Life of Methodius Italian legend Afterword to the Slavic translation of the Holy Scriptures Proclamation of the Holy Gospel Kudos to Ćiril the Philosopher Eulogy to Cyril and Methodius Črnorizac Hrabar, About literates Alphabetical prayer Hrvatski-Lagolian services of St. Cyril and Methodius Beram breviary Breviary of Pope Moor The second breviary from Novlja - Himan
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