Recepti za jezikovu juhu

Recepti za jezikovu juhu

Franjo Nagulov

Polystylistic analysis of the poetic work of Branko Maleš

Nagulov's stylistics of the Malešians was written with the best possible composure and with a target meeting: Maleš illuminated by the thought of the author of Osijek's linguistic-literary-media stylistics. Maleš, as a poet of superior linguistic sensibility and stratification in the first line of contemporary Croatian poetry, made a strategic transformation of the modern pop center in Osijek into a postmodern noisy media-cultural margin. Maleš is an impeccable choice to perform the analytical art of stylistic reading in a walk that follows the leading literary, scientific and linguistic media thinkers of this part of Europe in a relaxed and attentive manner.

Josip Cvenić
17 x 12 cm
Matica hrvatska, Osijek, 2011.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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