Pogledaj dom svoj, anđele - Roman o zakopanom životu

Pogledaj dom svoj, anđele - Roman o zakopanom životu

Thomas Wolfe

This, according to some critics, the most lyrical American novel, is the story of Eugene Gant (alias Thomas Wolfe) and covers the first twenty years of his life - childhood, boyhood and early youth.

The emphasis of the novel is primarily on the family atmosphere in which he grows up, which is marked by marital disagreements between his father and mother - the father is a drunkard and an unfulfilled artistic soul, and the mother is a miser who values ​​possessions more than family. Such an immediate environment will shape the character of Eugene Gant - a dreamer with artistic tendencies like his father, full of emotional energy, ambition, hungry for experience, sensitive, passionate, pure... This Wolfe's debut novel, with emphasized autobiographical threads, achieved enormous success in America immediately after its publication.

Original title
Look homeward angel
Luka Semenović
Milica Grabovac
16.5 x 12 cm
Pages total
Svjetlost, Sarajevo, 1964.
Distribution: 10,000 copies
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

The book consists of two volumes.

Jedan višetomni primjerak je u ponudi.

Pogledaj dom svoj, anđele - Roman o zakopanom životu
Volume 1
Pages: 373
Condition:Used, very good condition
Damages or inconvenience notice:
  • Traces of patina
Pogledaj dom svoj, anđele - Roman o zakopanom životu
Volume 2
Pages: 419
Condition:Used, very good condition
Damages or inconvenience notice:
  • Traces of patina

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