Kozarsko detinjstvo

Kozarsko detinjstvo

Dragoje Lukić

"Kozarsko detinjstvo" is a book that describes childhood and growing up in Kozara, an area known for its natural beauty and rich history.

Dragoje Lukić, through his storytelling, conveys experiences from his own childhood, emphasizing the importance of community, family and nature. The book is also known for its descriptions of folk customs and traditions of Kozara.

Vidak Perić
Graphics design
Branko Miljuš
19 x 12 cm
Narodna knjiga, Beograd, 1973.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Serbian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition
Damages or inconvenience notice:
  • A message of a personal nature
  • Traces of patina

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