Razmatranja o svetoj misi

Razmatranja o svetoj misi

Romano Guardini

The book Reflections on the Holy Mass is complemented in a special way with Guardini's famous work Holy Signs, and together they enable a better understanding of the Christian life.

Romano Guardini provides valuable help with these considerations for a deeper and richer experience of the Holy Mass. In addition to explaining how to better prepare and participate more fully in the holy liturgy, he explains the meaning of rites, prayers, words and gestures in the Mass and helps the reader to enter more fully into the experience of Jesus' words and sacraments.

Through thirty-three meditations, Guardini, in his distinctive style, which is simultaneously characterized by deep theological thought and poetic expressiveness, also touches on many practical questions, such as those on focusing attention during Mass, on body postures, on distractions, on the correct way to receive Holy Communion, about gestures of piety, etc.

This book has helped generations of believers to deepen their piety, focus their minds, and grow in understanding and experiencing God's grace during Mass. After the sold-out first edition, it now appears in the pocket binding of the Uskličnik library to make it more accessible to a larger number of people.

Original title
Besinnung vor der heiligen messe
Ivan Nekić
Jelena Hrgović
19 x 12 cm
Verbum, Split, 2014.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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