Pravo zemljoradničkih zadruga

Pravo zemljoradničkih zadruga

Pavao Rastovčan

The book "The Law of Agricultural Cooperatives" by Pavel Rastovčan, published in 1950, deals with the legal aspects of agricultural cooperatives.

Main topics include:

  • Establishment of cooperatives: Legal procedures and conditions for the establishment of agricultural cooperatives.
  • Organization and management: The structure and way of managing cooperatives, including the rights and obligations of members.
  • Financing and operations: Ways of financing cooperatives and the legal framework for their operation.
  • Legal relations: Regulation of legal relations within cooperatives and towards external entities.

24 x 17 cm
Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1950.
Distribution: 2,000 copies
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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