Biblijske priče za djecu - Isus čini čuda

Biblijske priče za djecu - Isus čini čuda

Jesus did indeed perform many miracles according to the biblical stories! To show what he would one day do as king, Jehovah gave him his holy spirit and the power to perform miracles.

Jesus could heal any disease. People often came to him and begged him to heal them. Thus, he restored sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, and helped those who could not walk to walk. He even healed people possessed by demons! If someone touched just the hem of his robe, he would instantly be healed. Jesus was full of love and compassion for everyone, he never rejected anyone, even when he wanted to be alone. In one case, ten lepers standing in the distance cried out, "Jesus, help us!" Jesus told them to go to the temple, and while they were on the way, the lepers were healed. Unfortunately, only one of them said thank you. Also, we remember the story of the woman who was ill for 12 years and was healed by touching the hem of Jesus' garment. And let's not forget the moment when Jesus resurrected Jairus' daughter, who was terminally ill. Jesus really did perform miracles, showing his love and power.

Matija Tomšić
Graphics design
Matija Tomšić
28 x 21 cm
24 sata, Zagreb
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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