Kako prepoznati zamke zloga

Kako prepoznati zamke zloga

Milivoj Bolobanić

The book is written in a very simple style and its goal is that every person who gets his hands on it will find Christ, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life; and know that He is the key to our temporal and eternal happiness.

The author, don Milivoj Bolobanić, a priest with extensive experience of talking to people burdened with various spiritual and temporal difficulties, wrote this book in the desire to help those who read it to know the causes of their problems and delusions, and to start on the path of faith, liberation, God's peace and joy.

Much of what this book talks about will be recognized by every reader in his life and he will find advice on how to follow the path of Truth and Peace, the path of salvation.

The book also contains many prayers, which is another reason to always keep it close. Because this is not a book that we will read and put aside, but we will return to it again and again.

19 x 13 cm
Vlastita naklada, Zadar, 2005.
Distribution: 5,000 copies
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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