

Alberto Moravia

A novel about a young girl from the common people, who after her first love experiences, driven by poverty and an unhealthy social environment, becomes a harlot.

He gains painful life experiences and finally comes to terms with life expecting a child whose father is a criminal. A typical representative of Moravia's literary world is the conformist from the novel of the same name, a worthless young man with perverse and criminal tendencies in the service of the totalitarian regime.

Original title
La Romana
Marija Ilić Agapov
20 x 13 cm
Otokar Keršovani, Rijeka, 1979.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

A copy is available as part of the book set "Alberto Moravia: Odabrana djela 1-10"

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Books set price: 36.24

Bračna ljubav / Maskarada

1. Bračna ljubav / Maskarada

Alberto Moravia

Albert Moravi's novel "Marriage Love" explores the complex themes of human relationships, passions and marital dynamics.

Pages: 332
Condition:Used, excellent condition
Ravnodušni ljudi

2. Ravnodušni ljudi

Alberto Moravia

Alberto Moravia, born Alberto Pincherle, was a prominent Italian novelist, journalist, playwright, essayist and film critic. His works explore the themes of modern sexuality, social alienation and existentialism.

Pages: 295
Condition:Used, excellent condition

3. Rimljanka

Alberto Moravia

A novel about a young girl from the common people, who after her first love experiences, driven by poverty and an unhealthy social environment, becomes a harlot.

Pages: 373
Condition:Used, excellent condition

4. Konformist

Alberto Moravia

This novel is a typical representative of Moravia's literary world and follows the story of a worthless young man with perverse and criminal tendencies in the service of a totalitarian regime.

Pages: 322
Condition:Used, excellent condition

5. Prezir

Alberto Moravia

Alberto Moravia, born Alberto Pincherle, was a prominent Italian novelist, journalist, playwright, essayist and film critic. His works explore the themes of modern sexuality, social alienation and existentialism.

Pages: 319
Condition:Used, excellent condition

6. Čočara

Alberto Moravia

Alberto Moravia, born Alberto Pincherle, was a prominent Italian novelist, journalist, playwright, essayist and film critic. His works explore the themes of modern sexuality, social alienation and existentialism.

Pages: 314
Condition:Used, excellent condition
Rimske priče

7. Rimske priče

Alberto Moravia

Alberto Moravia, born Alberto Pincherle, was a prominent Italian novelist, journalist, playwright, essayist and film critic. His works explore the themes of modern sexuality, social alienation and existentialism.

Pages: 317
Condition:Used, excellent condition

8. Dosada

Alberto Moravia

Alberto Moravia, born Alberto Pincherle, was a prominent Italian novelist, journalist, playwright, essayist and film critic. His works explore the themes of modern sexuality, social alienation and existentialism.

Pages: 302
Condition:Used, excellent condition

9. Pažnja

Alberto Moravia

Alberto Moravia, born Alberto Pincherle, was a prominent Italian novelist, journalist, playwright, essayist and film critic. His works explore the themes of modern sexuality, social alienation and existentialism.

Pages: 308
Condition:Used, excellent condition

10. Automat

Alberto Moravia
Pages: 316
Condition:Used, excellent condition

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