Klinički leksikon knjiga IV (znaci-simptomi-bolesti-sindromi)
"Clinical Lexicon" by Milorad D. Velisavljev is a comprehensive medical encyclopedia that covers a wide range of medical concepts, symptoms, diseases and syndromes.
This lexicon is special for several reasons:
- Comprehensiveness: It covers a wide range of medical terms, symptoms, diseases and syndromes, making it an extremely useful reference guide for medical professionals.
- Detailedness: Each term is described in detail, including symptoms, diagnoses and syndromes, which helps in precise understanding and diagnosis.
- Historical value: As a 1974 edition, it provides insight into the medical knowledge and practice of the time, which can be useful for historical research and comparisons with today's medical standards.
- Educational value: It is used as an educational tool for medical students and healthcare professionals, helping them to gain basic knowledge about various medical conditions.
One copy is available