Biblija - s ilustracijama Gustave Dorea

Biblija - s ilustracijama Gustave Dorea

The illustrated Bible by Gustave Doré, one of the greatest French illustrators and engravers of the 19th century, has remained unsurpassed in its artistic value to this day. Contains 230 illustrations by Gustave Doré with excerpts from the New and Old Tes

In the era when it appeared, without the media that we are surrounded by today, it met with great approval from both expert critics and the public, who for the first time could see dramatic biblical events illustrated in such a comprehensive book. At a time when paintings with biblical motifs could only be seen in museums and churches, Doré's Bible had great significance because it brought the painted word of God into many homes, and it still does so today, almost 200 years later.

Her popularity was enormous, and her influence on art and visual culture is incalculable. A true masterpiece of illustration is deeply rooted in our tradition, and now it will conquer a new audience with its repeated edition. Illustrations of motifs from the Old and New Testaments will bring the stories from the Bible closer to many people with their dramatic, suggestive and aesthetic approach and reveal the richness and power of God's word through the medium of art. Although published almost two centuries ago, this illustrated Bible is still published all over the world, finds its place in home libraries and introduces new generations of young readers to the world of biblical events, thus proving that it does not belong to the past, but that its role is equally important today as well as at the time of its publication and that such belongs to the future.

Pavica Hromin
Miroslav Kutanjac, Emilijan Cevc
Gustave Doré
Graphics design
Julijan Miklavčić
30 x 22 cm
Mladinska knjiga, Zagreb, 1987.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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