Igra prijestolja – prvi dio (pjesma leda i vatre)
Today, Eddard Stark is the Prince of the North and the ruler of Winterfell. But fifteen years ago, as a young man, he placed his sword in the service of Robert Baratheon.
He is his brother in arms and the unsuspecting husband of his younger sister Lyanna. When Lyanna and Eddard's older brother Brandon were executed on the orders of the Mad King Aerys II, the two fledgling young nobles started an uprising that escalated into the bloodiest civil war the Seven Kingdoms had ever seen. Robert Baratheon now sits as king on the lonely Iron Throne, surrounded by people he cannot trust. His only chance to continue his carefree life as a sovereign is to persuade Eddard to leave his castle of Winterfell and come with him to court in the King's breastplate as Steward, his right-hand man and ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. Torn between his duty to his old comrade, friend, king and love for his numerous family, Eddard, as always when it comes to duty and the honor of the Stark name, will choose a more dangerous path...
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