Sretan je tko živi drukčije : vitamini protiv duha vremena

Sretan je tko živi drukčije : vitamini protiv duha vremena

Christa Meves

The book "Happy is he who lives differently: vitamins against the zeitgeist" by Christa Meves, published in 1997, deals with psychological and spiritual health.

Meves, a German psychotherapist and writer, offers advice and insights in this book on how to deal with the challenges of modern life and how to find happiness and fulfillment by living in a way that is in line with one's own values ​​and not influenced by social norms.

Original title
Glucklich ist, weranders lebt
Branimir Tkalčić
Ivan Zirdum
19 x 12 cm
Karitativni fond UPT, Đakovo, 1997.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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