Svjetlo planina
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Svjetlo planina

Franz Weiser

The book will awaken in many young hearts a secret longing for the light of the hills that should illuminate every youth.

A valuable book for young people at the age of development. Just as the eternal hills send pure spring waters from their rocks, so this young man, about whom this book tells us, descends from his Tyrolean hills to the great city. It carries with it the light of the mountains — joyful purity. How he struggles and stumbles and wins, how he tells others about the light of his mountains: all this is shown here so directly, so beautifully, from life, that every reader in this Hink mysteriously and pleasantly recognizes his ideal.

Original title
Das Licht der Berge
Stjepan Hosu
Ivan Zirdum
19 x 11.5 cm
Karitativni fond UPT, Đakovo, 2004.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available


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