Yoga Upanišad: Otajstvo uprezanja - zbornik, tom I
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Yoga Upanišad: Otajstvo uprezanja - zbornik, tom I

"Yoga Upanishads: The Secret of Harnessing - Collection, Volume I" is a collection of texts dealing with the philosophy of yoga and its spiritual practices.

This compendium explores various aspects of yoga, including its historical roots, techniques, as well as its role in spiritual development.

A summary of the first volume includes:

Introduction to Yoga: Definition of Yoga, its goals and importance in an individual's life. Philosophical Foundations: Connecting Yoga to Ancient Indian Philosophical Traditions, Including the Upanishads. Techniques and practices: Various methods of yoga, including asanas, pranayama (breath control) and meditation. Spiritual Aspects: Exploring inner peace, self-confidence and spiritual transformation through the practice of yoga. Practical guidelines: Instructions for performing yoga practices and how to integrate them into everyday life.

This compendium offers an in-depth understanding of yoga as a way to achieve spiritual growth and inner balance.

Original title
The Yoga Upanisads with commentary of Sri Upanisad-Brahmayogin
S. Bura
Slobodan Blagojević
20 x 12.5 cm
Opus, Beograd, 1989.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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