Sveta gljiva
Rare book

Sveta gljiva

Andrija Puharich

The book The Sacred Mushroom explores the fascinating world of psychedelic plants and their role in mystical experiences and ancient religious practices.

Puharich, who was a physician and paranormal researcher, is known for researching the potential link between psychoactive herbs, such as Amanita muscaria, and expanded states of consciousness.

In the book, Puharich discusses his research into the use of psychedelic mushrooms in various cultures throughout history, including ancient Egyptian, Sumerian, and Christian religious practices. He believed that these mushrooms could have been a key part of religious rituals because they allow us to pass through the "gate of eternity" or to reach a state of enlightenment and contact with the divine.

The Holy Mushroom deals not only with theories about the ancient use of mushrooms, but also with Puharich's experiences and experiments with people who used these mushrooms under controlled conditions. It records the changes in perception, different visions and intuitive insights experienced by the participants of these experiments, suggesting that this plant allows entry into different dimensions of existence.

The book is a unique combination of anthropology, psychology and mysticism, but it has been criticized for its controversial theories and research methods. Nevertheless, the sacred mushroom remains intriguing for anyone interested in the role of psychedelic plants in spiritual practices and consciousness research.

Original title
The Sacred Mushroom: Key to the Door of Eternity
Antonija Šober-Alkalaj
Vesna Krmpotić
Graphics design
Nebojša Kujundžić
20 x 13 cm
CID, Podgorica, 2008.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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