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Connect with the earth and heal! Under your feet, when you are outdoors, there is not only a piece of grass, dust, sand or concrete. It is a ubiquitous source of natural healing energy.
After reading this book, you will never look at the Earth the same way again. We humans, just like all other living beings, are electric creatures on an electric planet, and the ground beneath us is more than something we just stand on and walk, play and build on.
Are you suffering from electron deficiency? Yes, you suffer - if you feel weak, if you feel pain or have inflammation. Find out how the original anti-inflammatory medicine offered by nature - and that medicine is the Earth itself! – can cure this deficiency and improve your health, increase your energy level and restore good sleep.
Earth and body medicine “Before Clint, I had never heard anyone talk about earth-body medicine. For me it was another revolutionary discovery, a real turning point. It was essentially electromedicine starting from the Earth. A centuries-old secret that is right at my feet. If you ask me, it was the discovery of the primordial anti-inflammatory drug and the best possible antioxidant." (Dr. Stephen T. Sinatra)
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