Sadašnjost za vječnost: izbor iz djela
The book presents a selection from the works of Veselko Tenžera, a Croatian critic and feuilletonist who, in his relatively short creative period, left a deep mark on Croatian feuilletonism and literary criticism.
What Gunter Grass concluded on one occasion, that love can only be judged when it is lost, applies to a considerable extent to Veselka Tenžera. It was only when he died, in a way that hardly anyone could have expected, that the awareness of the scale of an opus (and biography) was fully articulated in the public, which in terms of its coordinates, rigor and consciously accepted outsiderness is primarily comparable to Matoš's.
The book "The Present for Eternity" exposes all of Tenžera's poetics. For the first time, the texts of the best Croatian feuilletonist, essayist and critic have been collected in one book. When we claim that he was a critic, we do not mean only literature but criticism as an existential attitude. We mean criticism in the sense in which that Greek word implies the skill of discernment, of separating good and bad, moral and null, the ability of individual manifestation in which there is no fruitless compromise, and in which Tenžer was tempted like hardly anyone else. Hello Winter
These texts, collected in one place in this way, are certainly much deeper and more meaningful than they appeared when they were published in individual books and magazines. With an excellent afterword in the book, Zdravko Zima, who edited the texts, revealed the unknown side of Veselko Tenžera and contributed to a new reading of Tenžera's oeuvre.
One copy is available