Murphyjev zakon u ljubavi
Murphy's Law books for all times and all occasions. Cry until you laugh, laugh until you cry.
Has your phone ever rang when you were sitting down on the toilet? Maybe then you thought that there is some universal principle behind the wicked act of which you are the victim. The same principle that causes jam-smeared bread to fall on the best carpet always on the jam-smeared side. Yes, that's it! Murphy's law and many of its descendants who run around the world as evil spirits-crossovers of cosmology and anthropology... The love field is as slippery as a large banana peel so Murphy's Law feels like a banana peel here. So - take the matter (this book) into your hands and master the art of looking for loopholes in Murphy's Law regarding love woes and hopes...
One copy is available
- A message of a personal nature