Rimsko pravo

Rimsko pravo

Ante Romac

"Roman Law" by Ante Romac is a textbook that provides a comprehensive overview of the legal system of ancient Rome, its development and significance.

The book covers key aspects of Roman law, including sources of law, legal institutions, as well as different legal branches such as civil, criminal and public law. In the introduction, the author emphasizes the importance of Roman law as the basis for many modern legal systems. It analyzes in detail the historical context in which Roman law developed, explaining how social, political and economic factors influenced its formation. The book also deals with individual institutes, such as contracts, property and torts, with illustrations of their practical applications. The author also discusses the influence of Roman law on later legal traditions and its continuing relevance in modern law. Overall, the textbook offers students and lawyers a deeper understanding of Roman law, emphasizing its complexity and significance throughout history.

Josip Kregar
24 x 17 cm
Narodne novine, Zagreb, 1989.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

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