Podignimo pogled
The book Let's look up is full of beautiful texts that will help you recognize the richness of Christ's grace.
Her lines will encourage you, and the thoughts you will read in her will soothe, comfort and strengthen you. You will find joy in God and His promises. Ellen White, respected Christian writer and author of texts collected in the book Let's Look Up, says: "From God's promises we draw all that peace, that comfort and hope that will develop in us the fruits of peace, joy and faith. By bringing these promises into our own lives, we we always bring them into the lives of others. Let's appropriate these promises for ourselves. (...) They are like precious flowers in God's garden. They should awaken our hope and anticipation firm faith and trust in God. They should strengthen us in trouble and provide us with valuable lessons about trust in God. He reveals what is eternal in these precious promises..." (Let's look up, p. 9, 10) according to eternal values and God's wonderful lessons for you today! May the valuable Christian thoughts from the book Let's look up accompany you throughout 2019.
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